Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Job done!

So after all the months of preparation, the marathon is now over. I was pretty pleased with the run in the end. I was more happy with the finishing position of 15th than the time of 2:19:05. It wasn't quite the personal best time I was hoping for (I was 31secs short) but if you'd told me 9 weeks ago when I was out of action with an achilles injury and unable to train that I would get that result I'd definitely have taken it.

The London Marathon has been labelled the biggest race in the world, to finish 15th in that was one of the best experiences of my running career. I'm fully aware that on many other years my time would not have placed me as highly but it was such an experience knowing there were only 14 runners out on the road ahead of me as I was coming down Birdcage Walk at 25 miles.

Of course I had gone there with the intention of trying to improve my personal best and I knew that if I could improve it by 35secs I would have a qualifying time for the Commonwealth Games and European Championships. I also knew that to be selected for either of these teams it would probably take a fair bit more than just getting inside the 2:18:00 qualifying time so I just concentrated on running at a realistic pace which I think helped me rather than taking a risk at chasing a qualifying spot as several of my rivals did and really suffered for it in the closing stages.

The final week was as follows

Mon - 9 miles inc 3 miles at target marathon pace - 15:37, 5:12 per mile average. The usual pre-marathon feeling could I keep this going for 26.2 miles - of course I wont have done 14 miles the day before and a race 2 days before!

Tue - am 6 miles easy, pm 8 miles easy

Wed - 7 miles including 8x400m very easy on the track with about 75secs rest. 68s for each 400m.

Thu - 5 miles easy

Fri - REST

Sat - 4 miles easy

Sun - 2 miles very easy before breakfast. London Marathon!

One thing people I have spoken to since the marathon cannot get their heads around is that I didnt take on any water, energy drinks or gels during the race. I am a firm believer that if you are properly fuelled you don't need it.

I decided to follow the carbohydrate depletion and loading diet as it has worked well for me before. Basically this involves NO CARBS for 48 hours during which time you need to run approx 25 miles in total to bleed the system dry then move onto a heavily carbohydrate based diet.

My last carb meal before depletion was breakfast on Tuesday - a large bowl of muesli and some toast. For the next 48 hours I basically followed an Atkins Diet eating cheese omelettes, steaks, chicken with veg, etc. By the time I had finished my run on Thursday morning I had ran 26 miles in 48 hours with no carbs and was ready to start the loading phase. For 48 hours this just involved getting in pasta, bread, rice, etc. Fish and Chips is my standard pre race meal two days out from a race so this became part of the loading and is a great meal to throw into this phase. I always ask for them to make me lightly battered fish so that the meal is not too fatty. On the Saturday I dont like to eat too heavily so just have a fairly basic diet - beans/egg on toast at breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and a light pasta dinner. I also drink PSP22 energy drink in the final 48 hours.

I believe that a lot of people do not fuel correctly before a marathon and that is why they run into trouble in the later stages. Of course you have to have the training right as well!!

Since the marathon I have been resting and trying to maintain some fitness by running sporadically. I took 4 rest days in the week after the marathon. I have been going down to the track to see my coach and training group and on two occasions have got involved with pacing some sessions for some of the guys in the middle and back of the group which I think has helped me recover quickly and I have really enjoyed doing this. I won't be doing any serious training until next week so I'm enjoying this leisurely perios while I can!

1 comment:

  1. well done Dave!! next year, you have to come to Boston with me :)
